We're hiring. A part-time position of 20 hours is available. Apply Here


Take a peek inside the salon. We hope you like what you see because we would love to meet you!
Storefront advertising $38 unlimited wireless plan.

No matter the weather, we're always warm and sunny inside

Diverse lotion collection

We use our large selection of lotions to find your perfect match, based on your goals and skin type.

Variety of sunscreen and tanning lotions on display.
Elegant beauty salon reception with product shelves.

Service counter

Warm greetings to our all existing and new customers who visit the salon.

Premium tanning

Enjoy the results of our modern and premium tanning units.

Ergoline Sunrise 480 vertical tanning booth.

Premium Stand-Ups​

The Ergoline Sunrise will wrap you in a blanket of warm U.V light to goldenly beautify that skin of yours!

We Carry The Best Products