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Improve Your Vitamin D Intake with Indoor UV Tanning Devices

Tanned man

Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of many parts of the body. It plays an important role in bone health, immune function, and blood pressure. Low Vitamin D level can cause cardiovascular disease and cancer. Vitamin D is found in a few different sources: food, vitamin supplements, or sunlight. However, many people choose to neglect the sun as a source of vitamin D because they fear skin cancer risk from tanning beds or harmful UV rays. Luckily there are other options! Indoor tanning devices can help you get a great indoor tan in just minutes.

Synthetic Vitamins vs. Natural Vitamins

Most tanning salons and spas often use a combination of synthetic vitamin B3 and vitamin D3 to help tan people. There are two major differences between natural vitamins and synthetic vitamins: Synthetic vitamins have been altered, typically by thiolation (an oxidation process), and also polyoxyethylene (PEO) or polymethyl ethylene (PMEE). While the naturally occurring vitamin D3 is stored in the body, synthetic vitamin B3 is made up of the synthetic BDE. The difference between synthetic vitamins and natural vitamins is important because BDEs and PEOs are carcinogenic. In 2007 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned the use of PEO and PMEE in tanning bed manufacturers. However, the old tanning beds, which still exist today, are not labelled with the ban.


What are Indoor UV Tanning Devices?

Indoor UV tanning devices such as tanning beds, lightboxes, and even tansmeals.com can enhance your overall tan. They can be a safer, more effective alternative to traditional tanning or tanning beds. They emit safe UV rays through artificial lenses. The UV light generated from these devices is intense enough to not only give you a beautiful tan but to boost your vitamin D level. How to Use Indoor UV Tanning Devices Most tanning devices have built-in safety features to help you remain in a safe tanning environment. No tanning device can be used daily. Your body needs to adjust to the artificial light that’s provided by the device. When using the devices, you must make sure that your eyes are shielded.

Man in a tanning device
Woman in UV device

How are Indoor UV Tanning Devices Beneficial?

There are many benefits to indoor tanning. Allowing your skin to be exposed to a UV-C source during the day allows you to avoid sun damage and skin cancer. However, the process of tanned skin is free of harmful UV rays. The only downside of indoor tanning is that it is usually considered a cosmetic procedure, which is why it can be hard to get recommendations from medical professionals. Furthermore, indoor tanning is safe when done at the right intensity. This is because indoor tanning machines can produce UV radiation 4,000+ UV per hour, which are not as intense as the sun’s rays. This can make tanned skin appear fairer than other tanned skin. The Benefits of Indoor Tanning There are several benefits of indoor tanning, as well as possible risks and concerns.

How to Utilize Indoor UV Tanning Devices for a Better Vitamin D Intake

Whether you want to get a better vitamin D intake or just enjoy the tanning option, indoor tanning devices can help you get the tan that you’ve always wanted. Indoor tanning devices not only increase your vitamin D intake but also provide a great tan in just minutes. When you spend more time in the sun, it takes much longer to achieve that great summer tan. You can always just increase your sun exposure and still maintain a healthier tan than spending time indoors on tanning beds. There are many benefits to using indoor tanning devices as a supplement to the sun. If you choose to use an indoor tanning device instead of a tanning bed, you’ll be exposing your skin to UVB rays to maximize the amount of vitamin D that is absorbed.


The natural body has the unique ability to maintain homeostasis, or balance, in its internal environment. This is achieved by having various internal organs regulate and maintain their own internal conditions. If the internal environment is not favourable, your body can adapt and regain homeostasis to bring the internal environment back to health. If we allow our lives to become overly sedentary, the metabolism of our internal environment becomes impaired. This means we do not receive the necessary nutrients to keep our bodies healthy and functioning. Our food can not involve in vitamin d production. Only vitamin d supplement and artificial tanning is a great source to increase vitamin d status in our body. Also to get rid of vitamin d deficiency, we must take UV exposure. Therefore, we need to encourage a good balance between our external environment, diet, and exercise in order to maintain a healthy internal environment.