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Choose Your UV Tanning Unit

Premium Beds

Modern indoor tanning bed with open lid and UV lights.

✓  160 watts
✓ Reflectors on lamps: Reflecting the sun back
onto your skin from behind the bulb
✓  Stronger fans to cool you off
✓  More UVA: giving you a deeper, darker,
longer-lasting tan
✓   Is also suitable for beginners
✓   Larger coverage area then standard beds
✓  Highest-quality facials bulbs
✓  Larger, wider & more comfortable
✓   25% more bulbs means a faster tan
✓  Works great for psoriasis & eczema (UVB) 

Premium Stand-Up

Modern stand-up indoor tanning booth.

✓  200 watts
✓  Works great for psoriasis & eczema (UVB)
✓  Reflectors on lamps: most effective bulbs on the market
✓  More U.V A: giving you a deeper, darker,
longer-lasting tan
✓   Also suitable for beginners
✓   Largest coverage area
✓   Fastest tan time

Standard Beds

Commercial tanning bed equipment in salon.

✓   Cheaper tanning packages
✓   Longer tans (20 minutes)
✓   3 facial units which you can toggle on/off
✓   Works great for psoriasis & eczema (U.V B)
✓   Suitable for beginners

Get Darker & Book A Tan